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Health & Wellness
in Personal Enrichment
Orono-Medical Workplace Certificate Programs
with For Information Call 207-866-4119
Medical Workplace Certificate Programs
Behavioral Health Professional Certification Training
Looking for meaningful work? Our community needs individuals who want to make a difference in a child’s life. Children’s Behavioral Health Services are vital to Maine’s children with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism and Mental Health Disorders and their families. And the need in our area is great! As an integral part of the child’s treatment team, a Certified Behavioral Health Professional (BHP) has the opportunity to make an immediate impact while helping a child grow and develop to their full potential. We are excited to connect our community with this wonderful ONLINE training and certificate program. This training will prepare you for employment through local social services agencies and equip you to work with children who qualify for services. The program can be started at any time and finished at your own pace. You will complete 12 online modules then three 4-hour live (in-person or virtual) sessions. Once the modules are completed, you will receive free online blood borne pathogen training and Child and Adult First Aid & CPR certification. In just 40 hours, our free remote training program can get you certified and on your way to a life-changing profession. Must be a Maine resident, and at least 18 years old with a high school diploma (or equivalent) to become certified.
For more information and an application call 207-866-4119
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) These are
healthcare professionals who provide intimate, hands-on healthcare to patients in medical settings under the supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN), or Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). To receive an application or find out more Information, please contact: Lynn Johnston at 207-942-2333
Certified Nurses Assistant-M The (CNA-M) Program is a standardized, 120-hour medication course approved by the Maine State Board of Nursing, which provides the basis of understanding needed for CNAs to administer medications accurately and safely. The course is designed to teach experienced CNAs how to administer non-injectable medications to patients under the direct supervision of a licensed registered nurse. Providing excellent patient care, excellent communication and interpersonal skills are a must to becoming a CNA-M.
• The Maine Veterans Home in Bangor, Maine is offering new CNA & CNA-M courses
• Become a Maine Veterans Home CNA for Free.
• Just complete a MVH employment application
and go through the interview process.
• This course is open to students 17 years
and older.
• Apply NOW!
To receive an application or find out more
Information, please contact: Lynn Johnston at 207-942-2333