Intuitive Heart-Led Sound Bath
with Maleine Gargurevich
Only 5 days left to register!
Maleine Gargurevich will be combining vocal, toning, mantra, and ethereal sounds amongst a diversity of instruments, such as Tibetan bowls, chimes, drums, small gongs, tuning forks, and xylophones in this beautiful experience. You are invited to dive deep within the realms of your being-ness, the space between the conscious and unconscious self. You will be guided into your heart space, releasing what is no longer needed and creating the space within yourself for new opportunities of life exploration and gratitude. You are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing, and welcome to bring mats, pillows, blankets or bolsters to make your experience even more cozy and relaxing. Mats and limited blankets/bolsters are available as well.
Feb 1st, 2025
Sat for 1 week