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Orono-Genealogy Workshop At the Old Town Museum - In Person 1 week/2 nights
with Mary Gibouleau

Genealogy Workshop At the Old Town Museum - In Person
Designed for beginners, but helpful for those who have some experience, it is a two part Genealogy Workshop. Part 1 will introduce you to genealogy and assist you in building your family tree. Part 2 will address sources, storage and publication of your research. Sample worksheets to begin recording your data will be provided along with discussion of ways to make your research fun and successful. A computer is not necessary, but may be helpful. Attendance will be limited to 20.
Instructors: Mary Gibouleau & Museum Staff
Date: Part 1 Tuesday, April 15, Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Date: Part 2 Thursday, April 17, Time: 6:00-7:30pm
Cost: $5
Location: The Barbara Csavinszky Genealogy Center, The Old Town Museum, 353 Main Street, Old Town, ME.
Cost: $5
Location: The Barbara Csavinszky Genealogy Center
The Old Town Museum
353 Main Street, Old Town, ME.